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Advanced Technology


When you visit O Dental clinic, you can rest easy knowing that Dr. Obeid and his team use cutting-edge equipment to improve the precision and comfort of your dental care.

Ultrasonic Scalers

The traditional method of teeth cleaning involves the dentist using a special instrument to gently scrape your teeth. While we prefer to use an ultrasonic scaler to guarantee that our patients receive the highest quality dental care possible.


Your teeth can be more efficiently cleaned of calculus deposits with ultrasonic scalers. It generates shock waves that break up bacterial biofilms so that the plaque bacteria and calculus may be therapeutically removed from the teeth by a little jet of water or antibacterial mouthwash that is emitted from close to the top of the scaler.
dental equipment

Intraoral Cameras

Intraoral cameras are a game-changing technology that has allowed for the precise treatment of dental diseases. It is a small, comfortable device that offers precise live images of the mouth. The intraoral camera allows us to detect oral wounds and fractures, and view clear images of your teeth and gums in order for us to make an accurate diagnosis.
It also enables us to save your images in case of any dental needs. It can also be utilized to compare the changes brought about by the therapy.

Infection Control

O Dental takes infection control very seriously. We employ very strict infection control procedures to minimize the spread of germs and diseases and remain a safe and clean place for our patients. We are committed to providing the highest quality care possible in all aspects of our practice.

Our infection control procedures include:

Hand washing to sustain high hand hygiene
Use of personal protective equipment
Proper instrument sterilization and disinfection
Environmental infection control
Use a clinical water treatment system
sterilization equipment

The Best For Your Smile

We are dedicated to maintaining and improving the oral health of our patients by providing a comfortable, safe, and welcoming environment that enables each individual's unique experience.