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Frequently Asked Oral Health Questions

In order to better serve you, we have compiled the most frequently asked questions, Dental FAQs, that our staff has received over the last few years.
What is the best way to keep my oral health up?
Brushing your teeth twice a day, drinking plenty of water, and cutting back on sugary drinks are three simple steps that will help you achieve a healthy mouth.
I have sensitive teeth. What can I do?
You might try using a toothpaste designed exclusively for sensitive teeth. When going to bed, rub a little toothpaste into the sensitive area to preserve the surface. Avoid highly acidic foods and beverages and wait at least an hour after eating before cleaning your teeth, since this may create even more sensitivity. If the pain persists, contact our dental team; they may be able to provide further treatment to relieve your symptoms. Sensitivity can be caused by a variety of factors, which our dentists will be able to detect and treat.
How often should you get a dental exam?
Dental exams should be performed every six months in most cases. However, consult with our professionals to ensure how frequently you should be inspected, as we may propose that you come more regularly based on factors such as smoking, frequency of cavities, and genetic predisposition to tooth and root decay as well as gum disease.
My face is swollen, what should I do?
If you experience facial swelling, it might be an indication of an infection. You should consult a dentist since you may require antibiotics to ease the symptoms of this infection. If you live in San Clemente and do not have a regular dentist, please contact our emergency dentist.
Are any side effects associated with teeth whitening?
During the teeth whitening process, dentists take precautions to reduce patient pain. Typically, a gel or rubber shield is used to protect gum tissue from bleaching agents. After the teeth whitening procedure, you may suffer a short period of tooth sensitivity.
What cosmetic treatments are available to those who lose teeth?
People who are missing only a few teeth or rows of teeth may benefit more from dental implants or bridges. To decide if you are eligible for any of these treatments, it is important to have our dental specialist examine your situation.
Are veneers representing my sole choice for a smile makeover?
No. Your cosmetic dentist will suggest the most appropriate treatment option for you. Your dentist will base their recommendations on your desires and the results of a comprehensive assessment of your teeth and gums to identify any issues that may necessitate dental care.
Does teeth whitening work for everyone?
No, teeth whitening may not restore a pearly white smile in situations of extreme discoloration. Porcelain veneers and composite bonding are alternatives that may be appropriate for people with significant tooth discoloration.
What causes teeth to decay?
Cavities, or tooth decay, develop when oral bacteria produce acid that eats away at tooth enamel. If tooth decay isn't treated, it can lead to an infection, unbearable pain, and loss of the tooth. The top causes of tooth decay include: Constant grinding of teeth, age, genetics, diet, lack of dental care, and avoidance of the dentist all contribute to oral health problems
Why are my teeth sensitive to the cold?
Among dental patients, tooth sensitivity is high on the list of most-reported problems. For people with sensitive teeth, some kinds of toothpaste' abrasive components may be excessively harsh. Using a desensitizing toothpaste, having sealants and other desensitizing and filling materials, including fluoride, applied by your dentist, and consuming less acid-containing foods can all aid in minimizing tooth sensitivity.
What happens if a pregnant woman gets a dental problem?
Expectant mothers frequently have questions about dental care and pregnancy. Annual checkups and preventive dental cleanings are not only safe but advised throughout pregnancy. The increase in hormone levels that occurs during pregnancy causes the gums to enlarge, bleed, and trap food, which aggravates the gums further. In order to prevent oral infections like gum disease, which has been linked to premature birth, preventive dental care is crucial when pregnant.

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