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Limit Your Intake Of These Substances That Cause Tooth Stains

Limit Your Intake Of These Substances That Cause Tooth Stains

Limit Your Intake Of These Substances That Cause Tooth Stains

Your teeth have tiny and porous mineral crystals that make up the tooth enamel layer, and the porous texture can easily trap staining particles when you consume dark foods and drinks, causing tooth stains. To help your teeth whitening treatment last longer, we advise that you avoid substances that result in tooth stains.

Dr. Anmar Obaidi can help you achieve your dream smile and reduce the appearance of dark, discolored teeth by providing professional teeth whitening treatment to brighten tooth color. Teeth whitening can greatly enhance your smile, but if you consume a lot of staining agents, your new smile may not last very long.

Chocolate, tomato sauce and dark berries are common foods that stain teeth. We encourage you to limit these foods in your diet and further protect your tooth color by brushing your teeth with whitening toothpaste every day.

“ We invite you to contact O Dental at 949-487-6780 today to ask our dentist any questions about teeth whitening in San Clemente, California.”

Cola drinks, tea and coffee also darken teeth because these beverages are highly concentrated in staining particles. If you have a hankering for any of these beverages, use a straw to protect your teeth.

If you often use tobacco, your teeth can develop deep stains from the chemicals and tar in the products. Ask your physician about a cessation program to help you protect your tooth color and your health.

“Mi sonrisa fue transformada por el Dr. Obeid! Estoy muy contento con la forma en que mis dientes resultaron. ¡Parecen muy naturales y blancos! El personal es maravilloso; todo el mundo es muy amable y agradable. Ellos respondieron cuidadosamente a todas mis preguntas y se aseguró de que yo estaba a gusto en todo momento.”

Linda Choi
Linda Choi

“Confío plenamente en el Dr. Obeid y en su equipo. Todos mis tratamientos me hacen sentir cómodo. Mis dientes están en la mejor forma que han estado en años, y todas mis preocupaciones han sido respondidas”

Lauryn Hills
Lauryn Hills

“I have full trust in Dr. Obeid and his team. All of my treatments make me feel comfortable. My teeth are in the greatest shape they’ve been in in years, and all my concerns have been answered.”

Lauryn Hills
Lauryn Hills