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The Three Levels Of Sedation Dentistry

The Three Levels Of Sedation Dentistry

The Three Levels Of Sedation Dentistry

Many patients struggle with the presence of dental anxiety that occurs when they consider the prospect of dental visits, even routine dental checkups. We can help you better understand your sedation dentistry options and which level of sedation is needed to help you feel calm and relaxed.

By providing sedation dentistry, Dr. Anmar Obaidi and our team can provide patients with an appropriate sedative to reduce their dental anxiety and make visits more enjoyable. The purpose of sedation is to make you calm and relaxed while you are in the treatment chair. We may recommend one of the following sedation levels at your next visit:

Mild sedation: Your stress levels can be brought down with a light sedation that induces relaxation without causing you to lose consciousness.

Moderate sedation: When you are receiving a procedure that requires you to sit still with your mouth open for a while, we can put you under a light sleep with a moderate sedation to improve your comfort.

Deep sedation: Extensive procedures may require you to go into a light sleep while the treatment is provided, and then we can wake you up when it’s finished.

“ Contact O Dental at 949-487-6780 today to arrange your consultation with our dentist to further discuss receiving sedation dentistry in San Clemente, California.”

“Mi sonrisa fue transformada por el Dr. Obeid! Estoy muy contento con la forma en que mis dientes resultaron. ¡Parecen muy naturales y blancos! El personal es maravilloso; todo el mundo es muy amable y agradable. Ellos respondieron cuidadosamente a todas mis preguntas y se aseguró de que yo estaba a gusto en todo momento.”

Linda Choi
Linda Choi

“Confío plenamente en el Dr. Obeid y en su equipo. Todos mis tratamientos me hacen sentir cómodo. Mis dientes están en la mejor forma que han estado en años, y todas mis preocupaciones han sido respondidas”

Lauryn Hills
Lauryn Hills

“I have full trust in Dr. Obeid and his team. All of my treatments make me feel comfortable. My teeth are in the greatest shape they’ve been in in years, and all my concerns have been answered.”

Lauryn Hills
Lauryn Hills