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Emergency Dental Care

Emergency Dental Care Accidents Happen

We Are Here To Help

Emergency dental situations almost never occur at a convenient moment. They frequently need quick care and can be terrifying and painful.

If you break or knock out a tooth, you have the best chance of saving it if you act quickly. Other dental issues, such as severe infections, may also require emergency care.


Some Common Emergency Dental Problems:

Toothache The most common cause of toothache is an infection, but there are other potential causes. If your toothache is increasing over time, rinse your mouth with warm water and floss carefully to remove food particles that might trigger an infection.
Swelling Typically, infection causes swelling. If your mouth is swollen, you may have a minor infection in your teeth and/or gum tissue, or you may have an abscess that has to be drained. Infected swelling is fairly warm and painful to the touch. You must contact us immediately so that the swelling may be accurately diagnosed. The right treatment, along with a possible course of antibiotics, will then be given.
Chipped Or Broken Teeth If a tooth has been knocked out, gently clean it while holding it by the crown. There may still be attached gum tissue; thus, leave it in place. If you are unable to do so, place the tooth in a container of milk or gently lay it on the inside of your cheek until you can see us.
Loose Veneers, Bridges And Crowns It is very important to keep the veneer or crown stable so that it can be re-cemented as soon as possible to stop further damage. Avoid eating or drinking on your teeth since they may be temperature sensitive, and get in touch with the O Dental team as soon as possible to schedule an emergency visit.

Emergency Dentist in San Clemente

The emergency dentist service is accessible 24/7 in San Clemente, California. We always seek to take care of all patients by making every effort possible to relieve their dental pain and toothache as soon as possible. Don’t wait until the pain is intolerable. Call Us!