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Sports Mouth Guards

Why Sports Guards Are So Important

Athletics is one of the main causes of dental emergencies. Oral injuries during sports and other activities are never expected, yet they are common and can lead to discomfort and costly dental treatment.

Fortunately, sports injuries are fully avoidable if proper precautions are taken. This might be a helmet, face mask, or mouth guard that protects against body-to-body or body-to-equipment contact. These devices safeguard the teeth, lips, tongue, and other hard and soft areas of the mouth against injuries caused by an unexpected or forceful blow to the face. They can also help to avoid jaw and temporomandibular joint problems (TMJ).

Sports Mouth Guards In San Clemente

Standard Vs Customized Sports Mouth Guards

At O Dental, we highly recommend having a specific mouth guard custom-fitted for sports that require a mouth guard rather than purchasing a "boil and bite" mouth guard.

When a mouthguard is not custom-made by a dental expert, it becomes bulky and uncomfortable, making it difficult to breathe or speak, as well as causing other unpleasant side effects. Standard sports mouth guards tend to push the jaw forward, which can cause severe headaches, problems biting, and problems with the TMJ. A misplaced jawbone can lead to a misaligned spine, affecting your strength, balance, and athletic talents.

Sports Mouth Guards In San Clemente

Get bespoke sports mouth guards to protect yourself from discomfort and dental work. Contact O Dental today to schedule your consultation.