Fluoride Treatments For Adults And Children
Healthy teeth are vital to your child's general health and well-being, and routine dental checkups are necessary to preserve their health. Periodic fluoride treatment is a very successful method for maintaining your child's tooth enamel's strength and resistance to damage, guaranteeing that their primary teeth will remain healthy and white until their secondary teeth are ready to grow.

Fluoride And Dental Health
Along with other minerals, fluoride is a natural component of healthy teeth. They serve to maintain the tooth surface's hardness and resistance to decay. However, depending on the food we consume and how often we brush and floss, the presence of these minerals might fluctuate. Plaque on your child's teeth can drain minerals from their surface, but frequent brushing will halt this process. Inevitably, though, teeth can get weakened and damaged over time, which contributes to the formation of gray, hard tartar.
Fluoride Treatment Process
When your child visits our office, their teeth will be properly cleaned and examined. If a fluoride treatment is necessary, your child will be given a choice of kid-friendly flavored fluoride, which will be applied to their teeth using a special tray. We'll place the tray in your child's mouth and ask them to wait a few minutes while the fluoride is absorbed. Once the time is over, the tray will be removed, and your child will rinse their mouth with water. They should wait a few hours after a fluoride treatment before eating or drinking.